ttk.Label – Show image based on widget state

It’s possible to show one image when a label is enabled and a different image when a label is disabled.

This can be done with ttk Styles.

s = ttk.Style()

# Here we are telling ttk Styles: if a label is disabled, use the image: 'tk_deny'
# and if a label is not disabled, use the image: 'tk_pizza'."TLabel",
            image=[("disabled", tk_deny), ("!disabled", tk_pizza)])


The full code

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk, PhotoImage

img_pizza = r"images/pizza.png"
img_deny = r"images/deny.png"

root = tk.Tk()

# Button handler
def toggle_button():

    # If the label is disabled, enable it.
    if lbl_greeting.instate(["disabled"]):

        # Enable the label.
        lbl_greeting.configure(text="This label is enabled.\nWe can see the pizza image on the left.")

        # Disable the label.
        lbl_greeting.configure(text="This label is disabled.")

# Load the images into a format that Tk can use.
tk_pizza = PhotoImage(file=img_pizza)
tk_deny = PhotoImage(file=img_deny)

# Create our Toggle button.
btn_toggle = ttk.Button(root, text="Toggle", command=toggle_button)

s = ttk.Style()

# Here we are telling ttk Styles: if a label is disabled, use the image: 'tk_deny'
# and if a label is not disabled, use the image: 'tk_pizza'."TLabel",
            image=[("disabled", tk_deny), ("!disabled", tk_pizza)])

# The initial text that the user will see in the label when the program loads.
lbl_greeting = ttk.Label(root, 
                         text="This label is enabled.\nWe can see the pizza image on the left.",

