The treeview widget can show an image in the first column, for each row.
The first column in a treeview is referenced with the name #0 (the tree column) and is the only column that can hold an image.
importtkinterastkfromtkinterimportttkfromPILimportImage,ImageTkroot=tk.Tk()# Load the JPG"images/house.jpg")# Convert the JPG image to a PhotoImage instance that tkinter can use.image_tk=ImageTk.PhotoImage(img_house)# Define columnscolumn_names=("dwelling_type_column","location_column")# Pass the column names when we make the treeview.treeview_places=ttk.Treeview(columns=column_names)# Create the column texts that the user will see.treeview_places.heading("dwelling_type_column",text="Dwelling Type")treeview_places.heading("location_column",text="Location")treeview_places.insert(parent="",index="end",image=image_tk,values=("House","Fantasy Land"))treeview_places.pack(expand=True,fill=tk.BOTH)root.mainloop()
We have to use the PIL module to load a JPG image and convert it to a PhotoImage instance that tkinter can use. Tkinter supports PNG without the need to use PIL, but for JPG we have to use PIL.