The treeview widget can show an image in the first column, for each row.
The first column in a treeview is referenced with the name #0 (the tree column) and is the only column that can hold an image.
importtkinterastkfromtkinterimportttk,PhotoImageroot=tk.Tk()# PNG image pathimg_canada_flag=PhotoImage(file=r"images/canada_flag.png")# Define columnscolumn_names=("country_column","capital_city_column")# Pass the column names when we make the treeview.treeview_country=ttk.Treeview(columns=column_names)# Create the column texts that the user will see.treeview_country.heading("country_column",text="Country")treeview_country.heading("capital_city_column",text="Capital")treeview_country.insert(parent="",index="end",image=img_canada_flag,values=("Canada","Ottawa"))treeview_country.pack(expand=True,fill=tk.BOTH)root.mainloop()
Tkinter natively supports PNG images. We don’t need to use the PIL module to add PNG images to a treeview. However, JPG images will need the use of PIL.
We can improve this program a bit.
Notice the gap between the image column (‘#0’) and the Country column (‘country_column’)
We can fix that by specifying the width of the image column:
Now the image column is closer to the country column.